Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I buy your produce?
We only sell our produce through our CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) in which members sign up to receive a box of freshly-harvest vegetables, fruit and herbs each week. We do not sell at farmer's markets. We do not sell wholesale. We do not sell to restaurants. This means our members get the best of everything (and everything) that we grow!
Where do I pickup my produce each week?
Our main pickup location is located at 27 Utter Avenue in Hawthorne, NJ. Vegetable shares are packed in waxed cardboard boxes and stored in a refrigerated area in the building for members to pick up at their convenience.
We also have several pickup locations located in Northern NJ. Check the CSA sign-up form for specific locations. Or get 10 friends or coworkers together and we'll arrange delivery to your door!
How do I sign up?
Simply download the sign up form from our website, choose your payment option and mail in the form with a check made payable to Black Radish Farm.
We feel that everyone should have access to healthy food! So, if you're interested in joining and need a more flexible payment plan, just ask!
Do you take credit cards or PayPal?
We prefer our members pay by check. We don't take credit cards but can take payment via PayPal if necessary.
How do I know what I'll be getting each week?
We send out an email on Monday with a list of what will be in the week's share. The list of vegetables is also listed on our Twitter page each Monday. However, there is a caveat, sometimes the list can change depending on conditions in the field. As the season goes along, most members get accustomed to the flow of seasonal harvest. Nature always gets the last word!
Can I customize my share of vegetables?
Unfortunately not. If we were to customize each share, we would have to raise our prices to pay for the extra labor it would require. Besides, we'd rather spend our time in the dirt!
We strive to grow a wide variety of vegetables and based on each year's feedback from CSA members we decide what and how much to grow for the following season. Many people have found a new love of vegetables such as beets, kohlrabi and garlic scapes after trying them. We recommend giving any vegetables that you may not like to an elderly neighbor or anyone who has lived through the depression. Just make sure you have a couple of hours to spare to listen to the many ways to cook kohlrabi!
What if I go on vacation, can I get a refund?
Unfortunately not. We recommend that you arrange to have a friend or relative pick up your share in your absence. (We've actually have gotten many new members this way!)
We begin ordering seeds in January in order to prepare for the number of people who will be in the CSA for the season. And we limit the number of members. We work very hard on our planting schedule to make sure that we have enough quantity and variety each week so that our members are happy and satisfied.
What if I find out the CSA is not for me?
Give peas a chance! And arugula, leeks and turnips. It just might turn out that you'll be a convert by the end of the season. It's happened quite often. And many members have remarked on how many more vegetables that eat just because they're there. But you are welcome to sell your share to a neighbor or friend.
What are your growing practices?
We practice sustainable methods of farming and focus on regenerative agriculture to protect and rebuild the topsoil with ecological bio diversity. We pride ourselves on growing nutrient-dense vegetables that taste almost sweet – and not just the corn even the lettuce and spinach!
I'd like to join but I'm worried it'll be too many vegetables, any suggestions?
We suggest to split a share with a friend or family member. Many of our members split shares, either split the box each week or take turns each week. We still welcome all members to visit the farm for the pick your owns.
So, what do you use for fertilizer?
We love compost. And compost tea (thanks to spending a day with Elaine Ingham, Queen of Compost Tea). Of course, we have an unfair advantage in this department; the Black Dirt is naturally 90% organic matter compared to most farms' 5%. The better the soil, the better the produce!
We also rotate fields, plant cover crops and have been using an integrated program based on bio-dynamics to feed the soil microbes. We start by applying it to the seedlings and use it on every field and plant several times during the season. Every year we have noticed how using this product developed in Germany has improved the soil structure, improves root mass, develops healthier, stronger plants and even improves the smell of the soil!
What about the fruit?
There are very few orchards in the Northeast that are certified organic. We work with a few small fruit farmers who use sustainable methods of growing including IPM, integrated pest management. Most of the orchards we partner with never even spray after fruit develops. And most grow several varieties of heirloom apples, peaches, pears and plums. You just can't buy fruit in the supermarkets that taste this good!
Can I visit the farm?
Yes, yes, yes! We strongly encourage our members to visit the farm. We love having kids visit the farm. It’s educational and fun! We have a field dedicated to growing herbs and vegetables for our members to pick
We host several days during the season when members can visit and “pick-your-own.” (We send an email to members with the dates/times. Also, check our Twitter page for notices!) Many families make a day out of visiting the farm, the Black Dirt region and the Warwick area as there is much to do and see.
If I can’t make it to the farm, will I be missing out on vegetables?
No, the shares contain all the vegetables. The pick-your-own fields are just for fun! It’s a chance for members visit the Black Dirt region and see where their vegetables are grown. We also grow some of the more labor-intensive “picking” vegetables such as sugar snap peas, pole beans and cherry tomatoes for members to pick. We also plant a variety of vegetables so that kids can see how specific vegetables are grown. Potatoes are a favorite for kids to pick! (Grown ups too!)
It seems that the Black Dirt gets not only into the shoes and socks of our members, but also their hearts as many members visit again and again.
Why the name Black Radish Farm?
We chose Black Radish Farm because we our farm is located in the Black Dirt region of New York and one of the first crops grown on a large scale in the Black Dirt region was radishes. The first barn in which we assembled the shares was lovingly referred to as “The Radish House.” Sadly, it no longer exists so we assemble the shares in our new Black Radish House.
What is a Black Radish?
Black radish is a variety of radish native to Asia and Europe, has a dark purple or black exterior and pure white flesh. Black radish, (Raphanus sativus L. var. niger) is a root vegetables of the Brassicaceae family and is a variety of winter radish, also called Black Spanish radish or Erfurter radish. Cultivation can be traced to Ancient Egypt, where illustrations in tombs show extensive use of a this variety of radish.
Black Radish are an excellent source of potassium (who needs bananas?) as well as Vitamin C, iron, magnesium and dietary fiber with only 10 calories in a 3-once serving. The many health benefits of Black Radish include its ability to improve liver function, regulate hormones, control blood pressure, improve digestion, improve mental alertness and prevent scurvy.
There are a number of delicious ways to include Black Radish in your meals such as:
• Sauteing them with a bit of butter
• Slicing them finely into salads and stir fries
• Baking them into Black Radish Chips..delish!
Black Radishes have excellent keeping qualities – they become mellower with age, and , if stored properly, can last up to two months.